Posted by Joe Reiling on August 29, 1999 at 13:41:20:
Hello to everyone!
First of all my thanks to Dick, Jill, "AND ALL THE FAMILY" (sounds like the way we ended our night prayers) for putting this website together.
I know I'm a late bloomer on this, but, it's sure great to see all of your names showing up.
I'm extending a "welcome mat" to all of you should you ever wander on out here to the West coast.
Dan (Strohbhar) and I have So. Cal. pretty well tied up in confusion.
If you come out here at the same time that brother John(ny) is here, be prepared for some serious minature golf. Oh, the last time "big bro" visited, my daughter, Krista, beat him on the mini-links.
I was in Dayton for my 25th reunion from U.D. I travel all those miles only to get into an auto accident and end up in Kettering Hospital. Thanks to Dick...I SURVIVED MY NINE HOUR VISIT...and it was my birhday to top it off. Not an accident in over 14 years here in visit to the Gem City and BOOM!
Oh, and my suggestion to Eileen and Mary on those "brownies," GO EASY!!!
I don't know about anybody else, but I sure miss those GREEN CHERRIES from Aunt Mary and Uncle Ed.
Our family get-togethers is still a great memory.
Again, hello to all.